Photonic nanostructures for controlling light


Photonic nanostructures for controlling light

Tanabe Photonic Structure Group, Keio University

Tanabe Photonic Structure Group, Keio University

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About our Research


We are striving for ultimate energy saving using photonic technologies. When electrons are used for signal processing, the presence of resistance causes Joule heating, which means energy is lost. But with photons, this energy loss can be avoided, and signal processing with high energy efficiency can be achieved.

We are particularly interested in optical microcavities, tiny containers that can cage photons for a long time. It is used not only for photonic memory but also for achieving strong interaction between light and matter that is essential for developing active devices such as frequency comb light sources, quantum devices, switches, and all-optical logic gates.

We are striving for ultimate energy saving using photonic technologies. When electrons are used for signal processing, the presence of resistance causes Joule heating, which means energy is lost. But with photons, this energy loss can be avoided, and signal processing with high energy efficiency can be achieved.

We are particularly interested in optical microcavities, tiny containers that can cage photons for a long time. It is used not only for photonic memory but also for achieving strong interaction between light and matter that is essential for developing active devices such as frequency comb light sources, quantum devices, switches, and all-optical logic gates.

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大注目! 大学1年~4年生諸君


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